About Refund

Due to the sensitive nature of the goods, we can only accept unopened items for return. Opened goods, even just for checking out, cannot be accepted because they are considered used at this point in time.

This does not apply if we have delivered defective or incorrect goods, in which case we shall bear the costs for the return and the delivery of the new goods.

If you want to return unopened goods, you can do so within 7 days of receipt. Please follow the steps below to return your order or specific goods.

Please contact us within 7 days of receiving your goods. Let us know which goods you would like to return and confirm that they have not been opened.
All costs and the risk of returning the package are borne by the buyer, unless we have delivered defective or incorrect goods. (see above)
After we have received and checked the returned goods, we will refund all returned goods within 3 working days.
Please understand that if an item has been opened, we cannot accept the return. The goods we sell are primarily intended for use on the body and must be sterile. Once the box has been opened we have to assume that an item is in use.

If you return goods and state that they have been unopened but have actually been opened and used, you will have to pay for the re-delivery and we will not accept returns.

We generally do not accept cancellations. All orders placed are final. A successfully paid order can no longer be canceled in whole or in part. Please only place an order when you are certain that you will complete the purchase.